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A diverse range of material with many thousands of stamps virtually all in complete series, including miniature sheets and booklets, as well as occasional year sets in a thick pile of material housed in one bulging volume about 8 inches high. We note China sets and miniature sheets, Australia, Baltic States, much Greenland, USA, etc, excellent topical interest inc. various series of GB, Singapore, Sweden, etc. Most of this is 1970s through to the late 1990s, with probably the latter being the strongest part. Occasional earlier material seen as well, including QEII Commonwealth early 1950s and 1960s never hinged definitives complete. Much material is often housed in the individual new issue packets ex-Kruger, country by country, often overlapping one on the other. The cost of at the time must have been a small fortune with many of these individual packs at the equivalent of $50-$100 each at the time. This lot will benefit much from organising it chronologically, which ,might double its potential value. A wonderful opportunity for a dealer looking for a project.
An old-time collection of well over 1000 items, mint and used ,19th ,and early ,20th ,century, with much fascinating back of the book, predominantly non Scott listed, virtually all one of a kind and displayed on crowded quadrille pages in a vintage album. There is strong British Commonwealth throughout with lots of QV stamp duty issues from all over the Empire, 19th century Hong Kong mint and used including lilac issues with beautifully struck cds postmarks through to colorful KGV, Straits Settlements KGV defins to $5 with revenue cancels, India and States, New South Wales railways, Tasmania regular issues from chalons to 10/- lilac and brown all with, similarly Fiji QV regular issues manuscript cancelled, New Zealand with range of early railways, QV stamp duties, 'postage permit' with Maori inscription, 5/- Mt. Cook with revenue cancels, etc, Grenada chalon types, attractive Jamaica, St. Christopher regulars and St Kitts Nevis revenue overprints on St. Chritopher mint to 5/-, seldom seen. Also good British Africa with Egypt 'salt department' and attractive large tobacco revenue 'pyramid and sphinx' types, inter-postal seals, Suez Canal locals, etc, as well as Orange Free State, Union of South Africa KGV bi-color revenues to £1 blue and gray, Sierra Leone, etc. Other better areas are in the private posts, courriers and locals of Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, etc. cantonal issues of Switzerland, Greece and Aegean islands inc. Crete, German States, Danube locals all different, France inc. aeronautical propaganda series, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania with nice range of WWI German Occupation o/ps, Turkey with locals, Russia,  ,Morocco locals, US Latin America including extensive Mexico, Central American steampships, and much, much more, even some Spanish Civil War etc. This thoroughly absorbing revenue collection should be viewed carefully, page for page, as finds are very likely.
3 very old fashioned 1940 edition albums, all Schwanebergers of Leipzig, beginning with the Europe. This particular volume has 100s of stamps, mint and used, from countries starting with 1913 Albania eagles/ 'primitives' through Ungarn/ Hungary including a superb used 1934 Franz Liszt miniature sheet. Other interesting countries include Russian Tsarist, Scandinavia inc useful Swedish coils, Norway North Pole set 1930 superb used, Iceland from posthorns onwards, Denmark coat of arms from imperf skilling issues etc. Also seen reasonable ranges of France, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Switzerland and much more, with the distinct possibility of discoveries to be made when looked at carefully, page for page. This is probably the best album of the 3, the other Schwaneberger Ubersee/ overseas album is another hefty volume from ,19th ,century imperfs onwards, however not as strong as the Europe, yet as always worth checking out the Asia section China, Japan, etc. The final album is a Deutsches Reich Schwaneberger again a 1940 edition, well filled with many 100s of stamps, as well as dozens of album pages waiting to be incorporated into the main collection. This ranges from German States/ Empire to Third Reich throughout with useful material across the board from German States to miniature sheets 1930s, etc even 1940 occupations to be placed in the appropriate albums. A very good grandfather trio with much more here than described, put this on your list to view.
A wonderful collection of 1000s of mint and used stamps in a battered album, completely missing the cover yet with surprisingly good condition on the stamps inside with colors hardly ever exposed to light. The album is for issues from 1900 to about WWI with a few earlier issues seen, such as in the Indian Native States and Abyssinia. Much was seemingly acquired as new issues as the album sections were brought out! We note widespread French Colonies inc. Post Offices in China and much Indo-China, GB KEVII to 2/6d lilac used, lots of British Commonwealth short series mint inc. New Guinea lakatois, Hong Kong range of mint and used to 50cts, Labuan 1902 crowns to 50cts mint, New South Wales perfin officials to 5d. etc, interesting Persia inc. 1903 12ch blue surcharge on 10kr red, Korea inc. 3ch orange Emperor's crown mint and Phoenix series to 10cts as well as several of the earlier overprints inc. black 'tae han' o/ps, also extensive Latin America particularly Colombian States, 'Republica de Panama' o/ps on map types of Colombia, also Canal Zone o/ps on map issues, plus US inc. 1904 Louisiana Purchase series complete used, etc. Then on to the 1906/16 section inc. New Zealand 1906 Chritchurch Exhibition to 3d mint, North Borneo 1909 pictorials mint or cds used inc. 24cts emu mint, Nicaragua with Zelaya o/ps, British Solomon Islands 1908 canoes to 6d mint, lots of Italian and Russian POs abroad, Iceland 1911 Sigurdsson series complete mint, Liechtenstein 1912 shields first series complete used, China 1912 red o/ps mint to 16cts, etc, etc. The album has been lying undisturbed for many decades and though some of the mint here is occasionally stuck down, virtually everything we found popped up with a little application. There will be many more good stamps to discover, especially when viewed carefully, page for page.
An interesting range of material housed partly in two albums, one an old-fashioned 'Favourite' album on old-fashioned quadrille album pages, every page well filled, the other album an old-fashioned Mercury again for the most part cram-packed with 100s of stamps in each. The former has useful Hong Kong from QV onwards inc. some mint KGVI, US Columbians to 10cts, interesting Persia including imperfs, interesting Indian Native States Cochin and much more. The Mercury also has material from the 19th century with occasional surprises such as mint QV Gibraltar, further India, GB etc, but is not as strong as the former. The third album is an old 'ledger' with covers including registered with better British Commonwealth, also Coronation 1953 GB complete etc. However the best part is the stack of album leaves including 19th century Japan, similarly British post offices abroad from Morocco Agencies QV mint through to seahorse 2/6d o/ps, as well as a four margined penny black check letters 'LL', other line-engraved inc. tupenny blue, several dozen penny reds, through to KGVI inc. 2/6d brown mint, onwards to mint commems in blocks of four etc. Plenty of pleasant surprises here, please view carefully much more here than described.