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If you are looking for a box of boxes and many hundreds of oldtime commercial covers, then look no further. This small estate clearance consists of mostly 1930s/1940 postal history as well as stamps from the ,19th ,century, housed in many forms, for example at least 8 small oldtime grandfather stockbooks - the type they used to take to their stamp club. Also, collections from ,19th ,century to 1940s on homemade album leaves including France, Germany, Europe in general. A most interesting range of material, however worldwide in scope overall. For example some of the other material is housed in old time approval booklets, dozens of manila envelopes needing appreciation, as well as cigar boxes stuffed with stamps from countries including Libya, Sudan, Italian Colonies, Belgium, Bohemia and Moravia to name a few seen at random. The presentation of the lot is not at all to best advantage, nevertheless worthwhile with much more than described, definitely a project for the stamp workaholic.
Several hundred stamps, mint and used, housed in an old fashioned album, on quadrille album leaves starting off with Philippine Islands official o/ps with 40 examples inc fascinating manuscript cancels with different inks, inverted surcharge, different colored printed surcharges, etc. Then follows Buenos Aires ,19th ,century revenues, Australian States, with New South Wales railway stamps, large ornate parcels to 1/-, EDVII 1907 diamond Jubilee to 6d (Australian?), various QV revenue (?) surcharges on Grenada, a few Shanghai local posts and 10 Hong Kong stamp duty with English and Chinese characters mostly QV, large Western Australia swans, unusual China inc local Ichang, with 2 candarins o/p on 3 mace mint, large Austria land tirols mint ,Japanese occ of China, impressive Russian Consular stamps, Mexico, dozens of different German locals very interesting material, Austria Danube steamship, Scandinavia locals with several dozen all different, virtually all ,19th ,century, Venezuela and a useful South American section through to Tiera Del Fuego, interesting South Africa Express Company, te betalen (Pretoria?), USA back of the book and much more. Many of these items are seldom seen and this was clearly collected several decades ago when they were far more readily available than they are today. Condition is mixed to be expected in the ,19th ,century, nevertheless an important collection with considerable character deserving a careful inspection. A thoroughly recommended viewing, many discoveries to be made here when researched properly. ,
A wonderful old album, the Universal Briefmarken album by Loius Senf of Leipzig 1905 edition, several hundred stamps here mint and used, very mixed condition as to be expected. For example German Empire with pfennig and pfennige combined, early defins to 5mk, various offices abroad, German States inc imperf multiple Prussia and a rather attractive onion paper 10pf red with 4 margins. Other German States through to Belgium from imperf epaulettes, as well as perf 40cts with light diamond cancels, France, GB from 1840 penny black, 4 margined red maltese cross with minor thin on margin mentioned for accuracy’s sake only. Other better GB inc surface printed with values to 2/- blue, a good looking high value through to the officials, etc. Scandinavia in general inc Norway Oscars complete with 2, 3, 4 and 8 skillings, as well as 24 skillings lion cds of 1863 and various other lions of 1872 to 8 skillings. Also present Austria, Russia from Tsarist onwards, Switzerland with imperf Strubeli with 5, 15 and 40rp all 'Swiss quality', various Stehende Helvetias with high values deserving perf studies etc. That is just part of the European section, the rest of the world has pockets of good material such as Japan 1870s well worth investigating with interesting cancels through to 1900, Siam with early Atts o/ps, Egypt. French Colonies, even USA with 1857 10cts and 12cts, the former with attractive red cancel. 1861 to 15cts and the 30cts Franklin 1869 2cts, 10cts, Colombus 10cts, Omaha to 10cts  ,,turn of the century inc high values pan-am, Louisiana purchase 10cts, etc, etc. Many other interesting countries, a very old-time collection, well worth viewing.
Collection of several hundred, mint and used, revenues on quadrille leaves in a very battered album, mostly ,19th ,century, with highlights including Lombardy-Venetia with both stamped paper issues and Austro-Hungarian 'leaf' types, Belgium with impressive cancelations, Bulgaria with attractive bi-colored lion issues, Greece and Islands with material very seldom seen, Netherlands from regional issues through to colorful propaganda labels of the early ,20th ,century, Italy with stamped paper issues and a wonderful range of locals, followed by Russia with plenty of Tsarist eagles as well as Imperial Crown types in tete-beche blocks of four, etc. Also extensive France and Germany with different watermarks, Eastern Europe inc. Serbia, plus great Scandinavia, Latin America and more. A very diverse collection with lots of unusual material present. Please inspect carefully.
Various mostly 20th century sets and singles incl Canada 1946 Peace NH, Ceylon 1952 10R George VI NH, France 1917 50c War Orphans, Gold Coast 1948 George VI NH, 1952-54 QE II NH, GB 1841 1d Red pair (creased), Greece 1940 Youth Airmails (some NH, 65d regummed), Greenland 1930s/70s issues on pages incl 1945 “American” set (some slightly stuck down), Italy-Aegean Isl 1933 Balbo triptychs NH, Liberia 1928 Official Ovpts (dist. gum or , regummed), Newfoundland 1880-96 1c-5c Definitives  ,(some dist. gum and/or small faults), Nicaragua 1917 10c Surcharge on 1c Revenue (couple of signatures but offered “as is”), Sarawak 1957 $1-$5 QE II NH, usual mixed condition, most F-VF