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Mostly mint to 1960s in 3 ,albums, sparse thriugh 1930s with Elizabethan period generally mint with many NH, better sets and singles throughout including (mint unless otherwise noted) Basutoland 1961-63 1/2c-1R QE II NH, Bechuanaland Prot. 1955-58 QE II NH, K.U.T. 1954-59 QE II NH, No. Nigeria 1902 Edw VII, No. Rhodesia 1925-29 George V, Rhodesia 1891 1/2d on 6d, 1896 10sh Arms, 1905 2/6, 5sh Falls, 1909 2/6-10sh Overprints, 1910 2/6-5sh , "Double Head", 1913/23 7/6-10sh "Admiral", Somaliland Prot. 1942 George VI NH, So. Nigeria 1902/04 1/2d-10sh Edward VII, So. Rhodesia 1924/30 1/2d - 2/6 George V, 1937 George VI, 1953 QE II NH, SW Africa 1938 Voortrekker, 1939 Huguenots, Sudan 1948 Camel Rider, 1951 Views, Swaziland 1933 George V, Tanganyika 1922/25 5c-10sh Giraffe, etc., usual mixed condition in Victorian period but generally F-VF, excellent foundation collection.
Extensive collection of mostly mint in 4 Minkus albums with Victorian through issues of the 1980s, among the many premium we note (mint unless otherwise indicated) Antigua 1908-20 1/2d-5sh, 1921-29 1/2d-4sh, 1932 Tercentenary, Barbados 1882-85 1/2d-5sh Victoria, 1892-1903 1f-2/6 Badge, 1912 1/4d-3sh George V, Bermuda 1910/20 2sh-£1 George V, 1938-51 1d-£1 George VI, Cayman Isl 1935-36 1/4d-10sh, Grenada 1875 1sh unused, 1883 1/2d-1sh, useful 1886 Surcharges, 1904-06 1/2d-5sh, Jamaica 1884 1d blue, 1905/11 1/2d-5sh (less 2sh red brown), Leeward Isl 1921-32 1/4d-£1, Montserrat 1884 2 , 1/2d red brown, St. Kitts-Nevis 1903 1/2d-5sh, St. Vincent 1866 1sh, 1898 1/2d-5sh, 1902 1/2d-5sh, 1913/32 1/2d-£1 (both wmks), Trinidad 1896 10sh, Trinidad and Tobago 1921-22 1/2d-£1, 1922-28 1/2d-£1, etc., fair number of Victorian period unused or regummed, Elizabethan period extensive and plenty of NH, generally fresh and F-VF, outstanding foundation collection.
Mostly mint to 1980s issues in 2 albums, loaded with better as (Scott nos., mint unless otherwise noted) , Channel Isl to 1970s, Cyprus 1, 7 pl 220, 12, 23-26, 114-23, Gibraltar 1-5, 22-28, 39-45, 66-75, 91-92, Great Britain Offices in Africa complete, Offices in Morocco 12-48, 55-108, 201-08, 217-19, Offices in Turkey 1-12 (#6 signed Brun), 40-64, Malta 1, 8-14, 21-45, 49-62, 66-84, 86-93, 98-166, etc., Victorian period with some unused and regums, Elizabethan period generally NH after 1960, mostly F-VF, a strong collection and ideal for continuation.
Meaty collection of mostly mint in 3 Scott or Minkus albums, Victorian to 1980s issues, lovely Elizabethan period with predominantly NH sets and S/S, numerous better as (mint unless otherwise noted) Cook Isl 1883/94 1d-10d, 1902/19 1/2d-1sh, 1921 2sh-£1, 1943/50 2/6-£5, Fiji 1871 1d-6d unused, 1903 1/2d-£1, 1912 £1, 1938/55 1/2d-£1, Gilbert and Ellice 1921-27 1/2d-10sh, 1935 1sh Jubilee "flagstaff on right hand turret" var., New Guinea 1932 1d-£1, 1932-34 1/2d-£1 Airmails, 1935 £2 Goldfield NH, Niue 1918-23 2sh-£1, 1941-45 2/6-£1, Norfolk Isl nearly complete 1947/88, No. Borneo 1899 "4 CENTS" Surcharges, 1954-57 QEII NH, Papua New Guinea 1901-05 1/2d-2/6 Lakatoi (2/6 vert wmk, thin paper), 1906-07 ,large and small "Papua" Overprints (2 1/2d small w/o gum), 1907/32 Lakatoi issues cplt incl surcharges, 1932 1/2d-£1, Pitcairn Isl nearly complete 1940/91, Sarawak 1869 3c with o.g., Solomon Isl 1907 War Canoe, Tonga 1897 1/2d-5sh, etc., also a Kabe hingeless album with Christmas Isl, 1958/84, Nauru 1916/82 and Tokelau 1948/84, some Victorian period unused or regummed, generally fresh and F-VF, excellent for continuation.
2 large volumes, one being a Scott National housing the Papua New Guinea, the other a homemade album of Australia even more substantial than the Scott National with mint values to $10, as well as mint values to $10 specimen, KGVI defins to pounds with several hundred stamps all one of a kind here, into the 2000s with comprehensive mint series and souvenir sheets. Then Papua which starts with over twenty lakatois inc. 1907/10 mauve and black 2 1/2d ,mint never hinged, 1910 to 6d used, then very few empty spaces after 1950 often parallel mint and used through to the 2000s with new issue service material to 2006.
An excellent collection of ,19th ,and early ,20th ,century stamps on special pages, mainly mint with well over fifty tigers heads and two dozen or so of the numeral designs of 1881/88. The collection starts with the 1871 #1 used, then on to 1873s with 1sh black tiger (#10) and 1sh black (#11) pair, 1874s complete (#12/14), 1875 1 sanar brown violet (signed) and two distinct shades on the 1 abasi brown violet, followed by almost all the gray denominations of 1876 (#29/32), as well as the 1 shahi olive black and a scarce used example of the 1 sanar olive black tied on piece, by distinctive red cancel (#35, unpriced in Scott for used). Then there are extensive 1877s inc. all the gray and green denominations, as well as strong 1878s with elusive stamps such as the 1 shahi green used (#89) and pairs including an extraordinary 1 rupee pair in brown violet with two different forms of denomination inscription se-tenant, leading on to the watercolor handstamp numeral issues with more than two dozen, inc the 1ab violet strip of three on laid paper, as well as pairs and many interesting used examples. Then mosque gate issues, attractive and colorful, inc. 1892 1ab black on blue (the best shade) tied on cover by red postmark (signed), 1894s with red and blue cancels, etc. and on to the early 20th century with 1907/08 imperf and perf 1 rupee green issues (#199, #204), 1909/19 complete, comprehensive parcel posts inc. Old Habibia College complete, etc, etc. This is a fascinating collector&rsquo,s collection with surprising material present. There is much potential for discoveries still to be made, please inspect carefully. (Image)
An interesting collection of 100s of mint and used stamps housed in a homemade album, 1913 through to modern, with virtually everything one of a kind including interesting errors seen. Better material includes handstamped eagles of 1913, Skanderberg issues with unusual cancels inc. gold cds of Lesh on 10q pair on piece, through to an extensive showing of the Korce eagles over four pages, then comet o/p, 'postat' surcharges, 'Shkodra' eagles, 1924 Assembly opening o/ps, 1925 Zogu defins with the unofficially issued shades of the 1fr and 2fr, etc, etc, leading on to issues of the Independent State inc. 1945 'democracy' surcharges with five different issues all used, then the 1945 pictorials complete mint, 1946 assembly o/ps complete mint, dove and olive branch issues with lots of perf and imperf pairs, etc. Much more here, including useful back of the book well worth investigating.
A truly outstanding collection of about 2500 items, housed in five albums included artist's work, unadopted designs, sunken die proofs, etc, even revenue material, all well presented chronologically with extensive write-up on quadrille pages. The collection begins with Rivadavia issues of the 1860s with a series of three essays for the 5cts, 10cts and 15cts in red, blue and green respectively, engraved in London and printed in Buenos Aires, then pairs of imperf proofs of the subsequently issued 5cts rose of 1864/7 (RPS cert for one pair), leading on to the 1867/68s inc. a proof sheet of the 5cts vermilion Rivadavia, die and plate proofs for the 10cts Belgrano and an attractive page of plate proofs in four different colors for the 15cts San Martin, etc. Then follows a wonderful series of essays and die proofs in black on sunken cards for railway and provincial telegraph designs as well as a die proof of the general design for a large revenue stamp and another for a subsequently approved revenue design with liberty cap, oak and olive branches and figures of 'labour' and 'farming'. Another excellent section in this first volume is the 1888 series with sunken die proofs of the frames of the 25cts, 30cts and 50cts and separate centers and frames of the 1/2ct, 2cts, 3cts, 5cts, 6cts, 20cts and 40cts, through to color trial blocks of nine on the 1890 1/4ct Paz, beautiful multiple die-proofs of the 2cts Derqui, etc, etc. There is far too much in the further 4 albums to adequately describe but the following selection of highlights will give you an idea of the fantastic character of the collection: for example, a scarce large sunken die-proof of the 1891 20 pesos Admiral Brown and a page of seven different colors for a 50 pesos Funes value prepared for use but not issued with the 1891 series, 1892 Fleet of Columbus essays in sunken cards, 1897 Belgrano intermediate multiple die-proof sheets in three different colors, each with six differing value tablets including blank and with '24' crossed through, 1899/1900 Liberty issue color trials in perforate blocks of four on watermarked paper and glazed card proofs of high values of the Liberty series with reference numbers, 1901 Liberty Head officials plate-proofs in large multiples, fabulous extensive color trials of the 1910 Centenary of the Republic issues detailing the evolution of the final choices, enlarged essays of the 1911 Ploughman 5cts and 1916 Declaration 5cts, 1916 Centenary of Independence bi-colored essays in groups of four on sunken card, two different sets of perforate essays for the 1926 Post Office Centenary unissued designs, etc, etc. Occasionally some better issued material seen too such as a page of imperf between multiples on the 1899-1900 Argentina and Arms. This is a just an overview of an important and beautiful collection, a delight to view. Please leave time to view thoroughly page for page. This is a great opportunity to acquire a lifetime's collection of this highly elusive material, especially in an oldtime collection. (Image)
An exceptionaL collection housed in one album with well over 300 muestra/specimen overprints, on both stamps and even a little postal stationery from the 1870s to the 1940s, with everything beautifully presented and written up on quadrille pages. Collections this well-formed are seldom seen today with such substance. Highlights include the 1873 Moreno 4cts brown with double overprint, one albino, , a pair of the 90cts blue Saavedra, 1877/78 8cts Rivadavia and the roulette 16cts Belgrano (X3) and 20cts Sarsfield in a marginal imprint block of eight, etc. Then the 1888/90s with further multiples inc. the 15cts orange imprint block of twelve, 20cts green part-sheet of 40 showing marginal plate number, 25cts violet, 30cts brown and 40cts slate each in imprint blocks of 30, followed by a highly unusual telegram form denominated 40cts blue Celman. Further outstanding material includes the 1891 $1 blue Jose de San Martin with an example with black o/p and a wonderful imprint/plate number block of 14 with red o/ps, as well as the 5p ultra Lamadrid and 20p green Admiral Brown, then the 1892/97 series complete to 5 pesos San Martin, the high values of the Liberty series of 1899/1903 with two examples of the 20 pesos, the 1917 San Martin series complete, etc. leading on to a series of unusual San Martin newspaper wrappers of 1917 1/2ct red and 1ct blue and 1923 1ct brown and 4cts red. Also present are the 1926 Post Office Centenary issues in three different trial colors for each value, all in imperf pairs, followed by 1930 Zeppelins on both blue and green zeppelin o/ps, further postal stationery and much, much more, a pleasure to view. Specimen stamps are by their very nature scarce and this excellent collection would be very difficult, if not impossible to replace today, especially some of the large 19th ,century multiples which are probably unique.
An excellent mostly mint collection housed in three albums, with the main strength in the 20th century, though with useful 19th century as well. The beginning of the first album, a Scott Specialty, has the 1858 10cts green four margins used, 1873 60cts black Posadas mint, various surcharges etc, as well as postal stationery mint and used. The early 20th century postal history has further interesting stationery including attractive used cards with colorful special designs of 1901 through 1903. Also seen a cover of 1906 to France with 30cts postage due pair added. Better stamp issues of this period are the 1903 6cts black Liberty in a striking vertical strip of five mint, imperf horizontally, the 1908-09 San Martin series complete, 1916 San Martin series complete mint to 20 pesos then attractive postal history of the 1920s inc. advertising, etc. Then follows the 1930 Revolution series with mint 20 pesos, 1935/51 complete mint to 20 pesos with a corner marginal block of the 50cts orange 'oil well' showing a most striking added transfer of the lower right-hand corner of the design, presumably from a major paper fold pre-printing. Souvenir sheets are also well represented, starting with the 1935 Philatelic Exhibition sheet mint and used on illustrated stationery card - an appealing item, seldom seen. The 20th century continues comprehensive into the 2000s, through to the third volume which is devoted to back of the book, inc. first airpost series complete mint, Zeppelin covers and other interesting flights and on to officials, early revenues and other non-Scott listed material. This is a wonderful collector's collection with many pleasant surprises completely uncataloged, please inspect.
Collection on quadrille leaves with 28 stamps cancelled ‘B32’, extensively written-up and organised by studies of the three different types of the postmark. Items with postmark type 1 include a wing-marginal strip of four of the shilling green (plate 4) and an exceptionally eye appealing 1867 2/- blue check lettered 'JJ' with blue cancel, accompanied by BPA certificate with shortish perfs noted for accuracy’s sake only. Also seen examples of the type 2 postmark appear on stamps including the 6d brown, as well as cancels again in blue on a piece bearing 4d orange and 6d violet (x2), etc. Then the scarce type 3 postmark on shilling green with small corner letters and later shilling green on cover. Also included are several further quadrille pages with an interesting range of collateral material as well as written-up postal history from stampless onwards inc. telegraphs on cover and other exciting items such as a misperfed block of forty of the 1882 12cts blue. Inspection highly recommended, these stamps are far scarcer used in Buenos Aires than their GB counterparts, especially so when well researched as this is, in an oldtime original collection.