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Housed in an old fashioned Behrens album, this is Memel complete mint , according to their album with every space filled all with numbered pages. This collection is a delight to view with lots of stamps, all different, formed many years ago as the house collection for the old established stamp firm, Behrens. Half the collection is occupation of Lithuania and every page is tip top quality, completely original and perfection throughout.
An exciting accumulation of stamps and postal history mostly on album pages, built up from the cream of collections and auction purchases over the years, including both items that are easily recognised as good, as well as equally interesting less obvious material that the collector knew to be unusual, especially with the postal history including fascinating insights into ,19th ,century Mexico's history. For example there is a folded letter of 1845 to the United States Consul in Veracruz with a reference to the imprisonment of an American family and the resulting personal intervention of General Santa Anna. Then an extremely scarce item from the Spanish forces at Veracruz in 1861 prior to the French Occupation, a Spanish 1 real green stamp of the 1856 Isabella issue showing an interesting handstamp cancelation 'Correos Veracruz', ,likely only a few dozen exist. Also a fascinating selection of stamped revenue papers of the 1860s, inscribed with the article of 1861 citing the death penalty for anyone illegally reproducing the paper! Other highlights include stampless covers of 1864 with 'Magiscatzin de Tamaulipas' box cancels, a study of 'Sombrerete' straight line cancels from stampless through to Hidalgos of the 1870s - a wonderful insight into the Mexican gold rush with postal history from the mining town of 'El Oro', including a letter of 1876 from a contractor detailing the problems of the town's defense against bandit attacks, the cover franked with a Hidalgo issue tied by straight line 'Franco en El Oro de Mexico'. Also seen excellent postal stationery of the 1880s with both Wells Fargo Express and Hidalgo Express, all used. The early ,20th ,century also present including 2 covers with postage dues, one of which was probably because of the unavailability of valid 'constitutionist' stamps. Also Civil War inflation cover with spectacular multiple franking of 10x 10cts on 1ct 'barril' surcharge of 1916, a a very visual advertising cover of 1924 showing the brewery at Orizaba, etc, etc. The stamps in the holding range from the first issues with an 8 reales red violet mint with enormous margins from S. L. Potosi district and other absolutely superb imperfs – clearly selected - through to the 20th century with, for example, a stockpage of regular and interpanneau gutter blocks of the 1920s/30s, etc. This is a treasure-trove of the interesting and unusual and it is difficult to do it justice by this outline description. Much of the material is beyond price as it will hardly ever be seen again in such quality. Any serious collector or dealer of Mexico will recognise how remarkable this holding is and we urge a thorough inspection that will delight the specialist. (Image)
An unusual collection of well over 1000 overprints and varieties, postmarks, perfins, non Scott listed, etc, the vast majority pre-1920, written-up on homemade pages as an old-fashioned album representing the studies of a lifelong Mexico specialist. There is much strength in the ,19th ,century from the first issue onwards, particularly in-depth on the 1870s Hidalgos to 100cts rose with district names including Zacatecas o/ps in magenta, Guanajuato in blue, Cuautitlan, Acapulco, Toluca in blue squared capitals, Matamoros in large capitals on strip of three, scarce blue Colima o/ps, etc, as well as challenging overprints defying categorisation in the literature including 'Pral. Chihuahua' in a font we have never seen before, 'UEJUTL' in blue on unused 50cts green as yet unidentified, small blue boxed Oaxaca, etc. Also interesting district and village combinations such as Puebla district used at Chietla, Morelia used at Tacambaro, Logos used at Ledema and at Encarnacion on large piece, Parral used at Villa de Coronado, Veracruz with Chacaltiangus italic straight line cancel, etc, plus a study of the 'spaced numerals', each with a different district name inc. 'C. Guzman' (54), 'Tuxpan' (58), 'Tula de T.' (59), etc. The collection continues with similar detail on the 1879 Hidalgos again to the 100cts, organised by different papers, inc. double transfers especially on the 24cts issues, plate cracks, red numerals for rehabilitado including combined crossed Campeche and Guadalajara district o/ps, imperfs, etc. followed by extensive 1882/83 numerals, banknote Hidalgos and numerals inc. colored lines, mint multiples and unusual overprints, the 1895/98 mail train series inc, 50cts without watermark mint, 2cts and 12cts in black on gummed paper with inverted watermarks, etc, as well as stamps selected for superb centering and wide margins, leading on to Civil War period material with lots of multiples, mint and used, Sonora inc. tete-beche blocks on the later issues, 'Villa' monograms inverted, 'Corbata' combinations, etc. Another excellent area is devoted to postmarks on more than twenty pages, again mostly pre-1920 with scarce offices including unlisted in Sanabria, as well as Wells Fargo, steamships, 'coleccion', 'prohibido', fancy cancels and much more. An extremely absorbing collection with lots more than described here, please leave time for a proper viewing, page for page. There are a good number of items here that even the most experienced Mexican specialist will find challenging to establish a price, due to exceptional quality, as well as many unusual postmarks especially in the ,19th century.
A fascinating old-time holding of covers and postal stationery crammed in a shoebox, well over 300 items with virtually everything pre-WWII, requiring some organisation. This is a very diverse range of material, however we note particular strength in the ,19th century, as well as early advertising covers. To start with there is an excellent section of Hidalgos and other ,19th century starting with the imperf first issues including an 8r purple from Guadalajara district used in 1857 'Certificado en Guadalaxara' handstamp on cover front, spectacular appearance with the stamp having enormous margins on two of the four sides, tied by neat cds cancel. Then there are some imperf eagles, followed by a Maximilian 13cts blue with Queretaro district name, through to later Hidalgos with some beautiful covers such as 25cts blue 1874 type to Zacatecas with Durango district name in red, tied by blue bar cancel to cover, also bearing cds postmarks of Durango in pink and violet. Then a 5cts red purple stationery envelope with arched 'Mexico' o/p and secondary 5cts embossed impression combined with 5cts brown and 10cts orange of the 1874/80 issues tied by violet cds, etc, leading on to the numerals of the 1880s with a range of 6cts frankings inc. 2cts green strip of three, 3cts red brown pair, 6cts blue singles of different shades, as well as a 12cts rate (6cts pair) 'per Royal Mail steamer', etc. The extensive early ,20th century material includes dozens of early advertising with occasional fully illustrated covers, well-traveled and redirected covers with a plethora of postmarks, colorful registered postal stationery, paquebots, a section of Civil War covers inc. Sonora, consular mail inc. Chinese embassy, 'secretaria particular' stampless, propaganda, etc, etc. These covers were held back for further investigation by a lifelong Mexico specialist and virtually everyone has something that merits special interest. (Image)
An excellent collector's collection housed in a well filled Scott Specialty album, with particular strength in postal history from the 19th century onwards. Some of the more interesting items noted include Maximilian 13cts blue strip of five mint with date and number only, 1868 Hidalgos on cover, 1884 banknote Hidalgos inc. 50cts green imperf pair superb used, 1886 6cts green Wells Fargo stationery used, banknote numeral postal stationery mint and used inc. Wells Fargo and Hidalgo Express covers, useful Civil War period inc. tricolor 'transitorio' cover of 1914 and fascinating 5cts orange stationery cover used in 1914 with 'officially sealed' censor label and pointing finger 'return to sender' cachets in Spanish (blue) and English (purple), leading on to extensive sonora issues inc. varieties, lots more postal history with delightful colorful covers with advertising etc, early FDCs and flights to investigate, useful back of the book and much more. The unusual quality of the postal history here has to be seen to be appreciated so please inspect thoroughly. The stamp collection is chronologically ordered with the postal history, good ,19th ,century and 95% complete mint ,20th ,century. An opportunity for a dealer to buy a very comprehensive collection.
Mint and used collection of many 100s of stamps in two homemade albums, one for the regular issues and the second for the back of the book. In the first album issues start with a good range of the imperf Hidalgos, including a very attractive ½,r blue marginal pair with Pachuca district name and red straight line postmarks, 2r green with sidewalk margins all round and Durango district name, an 8r green with small faults, several Gothic 'Mexico' district overprints, 2r black with visual pre-printing paper fold, etc. Then the 1864 perf Hidalgo 1r red with Saltillo district name on the genuine toned paper though also with the apparently clandestine ,1/2 surcharge, a useful range of Maximilians with an interesting 25cts in blue without o/p, 1860s and 1870s Hidalgos needing further investigation, banknote issues of the 1880s with Hidalgos and numerals both to 2 pesos, colored lines types on the numerals and lots of perf varieties, through to Civil War issues inc. Sonora 5cts green and buff single usage on cover, 1915/16 4cts carmine with 'Ceatro' instead of Cuarto error in the center of a strip of five on commercial cover, etc. The ,20th ,century proceeds with plenty of mint series, as well as blocks of four, souvenir sheets, through to the modern era. In the second volume there is a good range of airposts and officials, postage dues, etc, as well as non-Scott listed and yet further interesting postal history. There will be many sleepers present, a delightful collection to view with much potential.
Highly complete collection, virtually everything mint never hinged, housed in three Lighthouse hingeless albums to the Eurozone period. The collection begins with a little ,19th ,century with Prince Albert II issues to 75cts, on to 1923/24 25cts violet marginal pair showing the two types of '5' se-tenant, then becoming well-filled from 1940 onwards inc. 1942 semi-postals complete mnh, virtually complete from 1960 onwards, aerogrammes, booklets, non scott listed 'Epreuve' material and postal history.
A collection of many hundreds of stamps, mint and used, virtually all one of a kind, in 2 substantial homemade albums, starting with the Scepter of Indra first issues in far better condition than normally encountered, including the $1 yellow used, other first issues mint, then a useful range of singles and series of the 1930s through '50s with many elusive issues such as the 1958 animals series complete mint, etc. Collections of Mongolia are becoming increasingly popular as there are few available. This collection has a wide range of material, virtually all one of a kind from the first issues to the modern era and is an excellent foundation for the specialist.
Many hundreds of used stamps and covers in a large album of blank and printed pages, as well as small auction lots waiting to be incorporated into the collection. Highlights include 1854 stampless cover to Malta via England with Schiedam arc datestamp and senders handstamp in blue, then the first issues with 1852s and 1864s complete, in far better quality than normally encountered, 1867s complete to 50cts gold with further copies of the 25cts violet and 50cts gold on an old auction page, followed by 1869 coats of arms distinct with distinct potential for better perf varieties, 1872/88 defins complete to 2.50gld rose and blue, 1891/94 young queen defins complete to 1gld, etc. Within the collection is an eighteen page study of hundreds of ,19th century postmarks, all organised by towns or numerals, with an interesting range of straight line cancels again including colored. Also in the ,19th century is a good range of used stationery inc. William III issues, 1876 numeral types, through to 1900 with a cover from the US sent on ,13th January with 2cts Washington, arriving Amsterdam on the ,25th and 2 1/2cts and 5cts postage dues applied plus pointing hand 'unclaimed – returned to sender – collect 6cts', 'do not remail in this envelope or wrapper' and other markings with US dead letter office cds of February 15th. The postal history in the ,20th century is also strong with attractive 1913 William I 3cts buff on surcharged stationery card, further postage dues inc. on GB KGV stationery and on Coronation cover from South Africa, mail from Netherlands with US postage due applied, etc, a fantastic range of FDCs from the 1930s onwards inc. 1952 PTT, flights, as well as unusual early promotional material such as the Esperanto Association for the 1928 Olympics with the stamps tied by special cancels. Better stamps noted in the ,20th century too, including syncopated perfs on Wilhelminas and gulls, booklets, souvenir sheets, officials with justice department 1934 through 1950s complete, and much more through to the modern era. A wonderful collector’s collection, completely uncataloged.
Interesting used collection housed on old fashioned album leaves with a good range of the first issues imperforates #1 to #3, with 3x #1 inc cds, followed by the 10cts lake #2 with 7 examples, again all four margined inc 3 with cds strikes one of which is Nynegen, followed by #3 the 15cts orange with 9 examples, again all four margined (one cut close) including 4 cds. Then the 1864 perforatted issues of the same with #4x 5cts blue, 7x #5 10cts lake and 9x #6 15cts orange. Virtually every copy sound with fresh vibrant colors and a useful range of shades for the specialist to enjoy and categorise, especially with the benefit of a specialised NVPH. Collection unfolds with the William III inc 3x 50cts gold #12 (cat $160) leading on to the &lsquo,coat of arms&rsquo, types, type #A5 and #A6 to 2 1/2 gld rose ultra high values with 3 examples, followed by the goldilocks Princess Wilhelmina to 5gld high values i.e. #53 and #54 (cat $475 among others).The ,20th ,century also interesting with useful semi-postals, definitive syncopated perfs of the 1920s and 1930s etc, worth investigation, again with gld high values. A most pleasant collection well worth viewing especially for a specialist dealer or collector, with enormous potential in this quality.
Three well-filled Schaubek albums representing one man&rsquo,s collection of well over 1000 mint and used stamps with predominantly complete mint series in the ,20th ,century into the year 2000, as well as useful ,19th ,century. The collection starts with imperf classics, 1867 coats of arms, Wilhelms, numerals and Wilhelminas with some superb cancels, then the ,20th ,century with virtually everything here such as the better 1952 PTT series mint, etc. Substantial face value here apart from being a good collection.
Desirable collection in 2 Scott albums, mostly used to 1940s and mint thereafter (much NH), premium sets and singles scattered throughout incl (mint unless otherwise noted) 1852 1852 5c-15c used, 1864 5c-15c used, 1867 5c-50c used, 1872-88 5c-2g50c used, 1956 Europa NH, etc., also includes a sparsely filled and nearly new album for the various Dutch colonies, usual mixed condition in early issues but better than most, most F-VF.